Topic Discussion
Sustainable Development Goals
SDG or global goals are a universal call to action to end povert, protect planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
Sustainable developement goal is build on the top of the Millennium Development Goal.
There are total 17 goals in SDG:
Goal - 1 : No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms is one of the greatest challenge facing humnity.
736 million people are still living with less than 1.9 USD per day in south asia and sub-Saharan Africa
10% of the people living in extreme poverty less than 36% in 1990.
Half of all the people living in poverty are less 18 years of age.
Goal - 2 : Zero Hunger
Rapid economic growth and increased agricultural productivity in the last 2 decades reduced the under nourished people in the world but still extreme hunger is the huge barrier to the development
795 million people are under nourished
Asia is a continent with most hungry people. 67%
Goal - 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Health is a driver, indicator and outcome of sustainable development
In world, 400 million people have no basic healthcare
By the end of 2017, 21.7 million people are living with HIV
one in three women face sexual harrasement in some point in their lives.
Every 2 second one person aged 30 to 70 dies because of non-communicable diseases
Goal 4: Quality Education
Entrolment ratio in most of the developed countries reach 91 %. more number of girls are in school then ever before
drop out reduced by half from 1990
But ongoing conflict in West Asia and sub saharan kept most children out of school.
60% of children lacks proficient reading and math skills.
1 in 4 girl children are out of school in developing country.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Eliminating all discrimination against women and girl child is not only human rights but it also crucial for sustainable development.
1 in 3 women experienced physical/sexual violence in their lifetime
750 million women/girls are married before 18 years
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
40 % people face water scarcity it may get worse with climate change and increasing temperature
2.6 billion people gained access to drinking water resource since 1990
80% of water waste is discharged into waterways without any pollution removal
1000 children die due to preventable sanitation and water diseases
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Between 1990 and 2010, 1.7 billion people gained access to electricity.
1 in 7 people lacks access to electricity mostly are from rural area
Energy dominant contributor to climate change, 60 percent green gas emission
3 billion people rely on polluting and unhealthy fuel for cooking
Goal 8: Decent work and Economic growth
Unemployement rate 5.6 percent in 2017 , 192.7 million people unemployed.
300 million workers are in extreme poverty
only 29% people have social security
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Investment in infrastructure and innovation are crucial drivers for economic growth and development.With half of the world population living in cities, mass transport and renewable energy are becoming more important.
2.5 billion people lack access to basic sanitation and 800 million people lack access to clean water
In some low income sub-saharan african countries infrastructure constraint cuts 40% productivity
4 billion people donot access to internet almost 90% of them in developing countries
Goal 10:Reduced Inequality
Income inequality is growing, now richest 10% earn 40 % of the global income.
Income inequality is a global problem requires global solution and sound policies.
As per WEF, 217 years required to close the gender gap
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and Communities
By 2050, 6.5 billion people may live in urban areas, sustainable development can not be achieved without transforming the way we build and manage our urban space.
Cities occupy 3% percent of the earth land but accounts for 60% percent of the energy consumption
In coming decades, 95% of urban expansion will take place in developing countries.
Goal 12:Reasonable consumption and production
Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint changing the way we produce and consume goods and services.
1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year and food sector accounts for 22% greenhouse gases.
If entire world switch to energy efficient light bulbs , we can save USD120 million annually
Goal 13: Climate action
Greenhouse gas emission continue to rise, almost 50% more than 1990 and global warming causing long-lasting changes to our climate system.
The annual average losses due to tsunami, cyclone and flooding amounts to hundreds of billion dollar.
For each 1% increase in temperature level, 5% decrease grain yield.
Between 1880 and 2012, average global temperature increase by 0.85 Cellcius.
Goal 14: Life Below Water
The Ocean covers two third of the earth space and represents 99 percent of the living space, alomost 3 billion people depends on marine and coastal diversity.
Ocean observe 30% of Co2 produced by human.
Market value of coastal and marine resources and industries is USD 3 trillion
Goal 15: Life on Land
Forest covers 30% of the earth space, providing habitat for millions of species and sources of clean water and air, important for combating climate change.
1.6 billion people depends on forest for livelihood.
of 8300 species known, 8% percent are extinct and 22% are at the risk of extinction.
2.6 billion people depend on agriculture to earn a living.
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution
without Peace, Justice and Strong Institution we can not hope for sustainable development.
Every minute 20 people displaced due to conflicts and 10 million stateless people around the world
Corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost USD 1.25 trillion dollar anually to developing countries.
Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
SDG can be realised with global partnership and coordination. The world is more connected than ever before.
Enhance North-South and South-South Cooperation. Promote international trade and help developing countries increase export
Sustainable developement goal is build on the top of the Millennium Development Goal.
There are total 17 goals in SDG:
Goal - 1 : No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms is one of the greatest challenge facing humnity.
736 million people are still living with less than 1.9 USD per day in south asia and sub-Saharan Africa
10% of the people living in extreme poverty less than 36% in 1990.
Half of all the people living in poverty are less 18 years of age.
Goal - 2 : Zero Hunger
Rapid economic growth and increased agricultural productivity in the last 2 decades reduced the under nourished people in the world but still extreme hunger is the huge barrier to the development
795 million people are under nourished
Asia is a continent with most hungry people. 67%
Goal - 3: Good Health and Well-Being
Health is a driver, indicator and outcome of sustainable development
In world, 400 million people have no basic healthcare
By the end of 2017, 21.7 million people are living with HIV
one in three women face sexual harrasement in some point in their lives.
Every 2 second one person aged 30 to 70 dies because of non-communicable diseases
Goal 4: Quality Education
Entrolment ratio in most of the developed countries reach 91 %. more number of girls are in school then ever before
drop out reduced by half from 1990
But ongoing conflict in West Asia and sub saharan kept most children out of school.
60% of children lacks proficient reading and math skills.
1 in 4 girl children are out of school in developing country.
Goal 5: Gender Equality
Eliminating all discrimination against women and girl child is not only human rights but it also crucial for sustainable development.
1 in 3 women experienced physical/sexual violence in their lifetime
750 million women/girls are married before 18 years
Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation
40 % people face water scarcity it may get worse with climate change and increasing temperature
2.6 billion people gained access to drinking water resource since 1990
80% of water waste is discharged into waterways without any pollution removal
1000 children die due to preventable sanitation and water diseases
Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Between 1990 and 2010, 1.7 billion people gained access to electricity.
1 in 7 people lacks access to electricity mostly are from rural area
Energy dominant contributor to climate change, 60 percent green gas emission
3 billion people rely on polluting and unhealthy fuel for cooking
Goal 8: Decent work and Economic growth
Unemployement rate 5.6 percent in 2017 , 192.7 million people unemployed.
300 million workers are in extreme poverty
only 29% people have social security
Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Investment in infrastructure and innovation are crucial drivers for economic growth and development.With half of the world population living in cities, mass transport and renewable energy are becoming more important.
2.5 billion people lack access to basic sanitation and 800 million people lack access to clean water
In some low income sub-saharan african countries infrastructure constraint cuts 40% productivity
4 billion people donot access to internet almost 90% of them in developing countries
Goal 10:Reduced Inequality
Income inequality is growing, now richest 10% earn 40 % of the global income.
Income inequality is a global problem requires global solution and sound policies.
As per WEF, 217 years required to close the gender gap
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and Communities
By 2050, 6.5 billion people may live in urban areas, sustainable development can not be achieved without transforming the way we build and manage our urban space.
Cities occupy 3% percent of the earth land but accounts for 60% percent of the energy consumption
In coming decades, 95% of urban expansion will take place in developing countries.
Goal 12:Reasonable consumption and production
Achieving economic growth and sustainable development requires that we urgently reduce our ecological footprint changing the way we produce and consume goods and services.
1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year and food sector accounts for 22% greenhouse gases.
If entire world switch to energy efficient light bulbs , we can save USD120 million annually
Goal 13: Climate action
Greenhouse gas emission continue to rise, almost 50% more than 1990 and global warming causing long-lasting changes to our climate system.
The annual average losses due to tsunami, cyclone and flooding amounts to hundreds of billion dollar.
For each 1% increase in temperature level, 5% decrease grain yield.
Between 1880 and 2012, average global temperature increase by 0.85 Cellcius.
Goal 14: Life Below Water
The Ocean covers two third of the earth space and represents 99 percent of the living space, alomost 3 billion people depends on marine and coastal diversity.
Ocean observe 30% of Co2 produced by human.
Market value of coastal and marine resources and industries is USD 3 trillion
Goal 15: Life on Land
Forest covers 30% of the earth space, providing habitat for millions of species and sources of clean water and air, important for combating climate change.
1.6 billion people depends on forest for livelihood.
of 8300 species known, 8% percent are extinct and 22% are at the risk of extinction.
2.6 billion people depend on agriculture to earn a living.
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institution
without Peace, Justice and Strong Institution we can not hope for sustainable development.
Every minute 20 people displaced due to conflicts and 10 million stateless people around the world
Corruption, bribery, theft and tax evasion cost USD 1.25 trillion dollar anually to developing countries.
Goal 17: Partnership for the goals
SDG can be realised with global partnership and coordination. The world is more connected than ever before.
Enhance North-South and South-South Cooperation. Promote international trade and help developing countries increase export
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